18/08/2015, in

Abimantra has more than 17 years of experience in architecture industry. He is a passionate architect, lecturer, and also an urban designer that constantly strive to bring impact to the city with a well-thought architecture approach. He is a certified architect and member of IAI (Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia).

He was the founder of AplusA architects in 2010 before later he co-founded AGo architects in 2018. He teaches Architecture Design Studio and Communication Technique at the Podomoro University since 2014. His passion to promote healthy lifestyle has brought him to be the co-founder of SANA studio, a pioneer active lifestyle hub in Jakarta. He believes that a good architecture can also stimulates healthy lifestyles.

He finished his Bachelor of Architecture from Trisakti University (2005) and earned his Master of Urban Design from the National University of Singapore (2008).